Before the world told you who you SHOULD be

The original blueprint,

There is an untouched version of you, your original blueprint. 
A version that existed before your parents and ancestors shaped you, 
before societal conditioning, 
before the world made you think you should be something else.

The purest expression of you knows no bounds, holds childlike joy, and uniquely your own.

Your mind, body, and soul carries the burden of the layers that build on between you and your original blueprint. Maybe there are a few onion layers, maybe there are cement walls.

Make it your north star to meet this person just a little more each day. 

Ask them who are you when you're out to make yourself happy, rather than someone else? When you think of your childhood, what lit you up? If you knew you couldn't' fail, what would you do?

Nervous system healing helps to uncover this part of yourself, by integrating the life experiences you take on you can become whole with the past versions of yourself, and your conditioning loses it's power grip. You can peel back layers and be more connected to the truest bits of yourself.


Heart hugs to you all. I look forward to continuing to get to know the whole you.

In gratitude & good health, 
Dr. Jessica


Clearing Emotional Baggage


As we enter a new year